Hanusa Masssage &
Integrative Naturopathic Wellness
Healing Arts Energy Medicine Herbals Suppliments Apothecary
Marlene Hanusa
LMT, RMT, CHHP , Board Cert. Master Herbalist
Board Cert. CTN Doctor Of (D.O.) Naturopathic Medicine,
Lic. Nurse
Welcome to Hanusa Massage Naturopathic Integrative wellness. We have many heavenly treatments to offer you for your healing path. Click below for information about Marlene .. the Modern Medicine woman of our time!
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30 Min $55
50 Min $95
As we only use the best...We use a class III-b IR Diode Cold Laser
for the safest treatment and healing. LLLT Low Laser Light Therapy
What is Cold Laser/ Low Level Laser Therapy?
Low-level laser therapy, sometimes referred to as Cold Laser Therapy, is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free treatment which is used to treat a variety of pain syndromes, injuries, wounds, fractures, neurological conditions and pathologies. Laser therapy can be used any time a patient needs a non-invasive procedure for the control of pain, when conventional therapies have been ineffective, or when the acceleration of healing from injuries is desired.
How does it heal?
A) Low-level lasers supply energy to the body in the form of non-thermal photons of light. Light is transmitted through the skin's layers (the dermis, epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue or tissue fat under the skin) at all wavelengths in the visible range. However, light waves in the near infrared ranges penetrate the deepest of all light waves in the visible spectrum. When low level laser light waves penetrate deeply into the skin, they optimize the immune responses of our blood. This has both anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. It is a scientific fact that light transmitted to the blood in this way has positive effective through-out the whole body, supplying vital oxygen and energy to every cell.
B) Low-level laser therapy first targets the lymphatic system, because it maintains the fluid balance in the body; and the infrared laser light also improves reabsorption of the swelling. With LLLT, swelling is reduced, allowing movement to return to the treated area.
A good example of how LLLT speeds up the normalization process can be demonstrated with sudden onset soft tissue trauma. After the trauma, swelling naturally occurs to protect the area. However, this swelling can decrease fluid exchange preventing the normal delivery of nutrition the the damaged area.
** How Cold Laser creates Cellular repair**
C) Laser therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation by increasing the amount of vaso-dilating and anti-inflammatory compounds such as prostaglandin PGI2. It has also been shown to reduce Interleukin 1 (IL-1), a pro-inflammation component that is connected to inflammatory diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis. Cold Laser treatments have been shown to stimulate increased levels of beta-endorphins. B-endorphins are neuropeptides that serve as natural analgesics to reduce pain. To accelerate Tissue Repair, To speed tissue repair, cold red diode laser light affects the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the part of the cell responsible for producing ATP (adeno-triphosphate); the chemical energy of the cell. Cold Laser light has been shown to greatly accelerate the production of ATP, thus speeding up the overall activity of the cell. In cells responsible for repairing tissue, including bone, muscle, ligament, skin, and even nerves, this results in an increase rate of repair. These explanations are only a sample of a large list of mechanisms shown to be affected by laser therapy.
Is Cold Laser Therapy Safe? Yes...
Laser therapy has been successfully used around the world for over 25 years, with no reported long-term or irreversible side effects. Our Laser has been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and other joint and muscle problems. It has successfully treated chronic and acute pain, wounds, sports injuries, and more.
As compared to the other treatment methods, the cold laser provides certain benefits like:
Being safe
Cost effective
Alternative form of treatment
The need for surgery is reduced
no side effects
The health benefits of cold laser therapy
divided into three categories:
1) Reduce inflammation
2) Reduce pain
3) Accelerate tissue repair Reduce Inflammation Immediately after an acute injury, the body undergoes a complex series of reactions designed to stop bleeding and initiate the tissue repair process. This process normally includes edema, inflammation, and pain. These reactions are designed to protect the damaged area while the body repairs itself.
The cold laser therapy is gaining new successful levels of treatment because it induces increased blood circulation to the injured area, thereby activating natural healing and treatment. For this reason, it is not only very helpful in relieving chronic back pain but also in the treatment of:
Pre - Post Surgical Muscular injury
Sprains & strains
Ligament & tendon injuries, bowed tendon
Joint injuries
Myofascial trigger points, pain points and deep-tissue acupuncture points
Chronic & acute pain
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Non-union & small-bone fractures
Tennis Elbow
Frozen Shoulder
Back pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hip Tendonitis (Illiopsoas)
General Therapeutic Laser Biological Effects:
Increased Cell Growth: Laser photons accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
Increased Metabolic Activity: Photons initiate a higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells and thus greater production of the basic food source for cells, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP).
Faster Wound Healing: Cold laser photons stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue
Anti-Inflammatory Action: Laser photons reduce swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints resulting in enhanced joint mobility.
Increased Vascular Activity: Laser photons induce temporary vasodilation that increases blood flow to effected areas.
Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation:Laser photons reduce the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns or post surgery.
Stimulated Nerve Function: Laser photon exposure speeds the process of nerve cell reconnect ion to bring the numb areas back to life.
Pain Reduction: Almost all systems have a mode of operation specifically designed to reduce pain.
What to Expect During a Laser Therapy
Treatment Session and benefits:
For most people, laser therapy is quite passive. Some patients have reported a slight tingling or tapping in a nerve or along a nerve pathway. Some have noted that they are able to sense a slight feeling of warmth. But for the most part, the treatment, which may last from 15 to 30 minutes, is not noticed at all. Following (and even during) a laser therapy session, approximately 75-80% of patients being treated can notice an immediate improvement in their condition. This will depend primarily on the type of condition and the length of time the condition has been present. Generally, the more chronic or severe the condition, the longer it takes to respond. The majority of conditions treated will take anywhere from 4-15 treatments. Once again, the number of treatments depends upon the severity of the condition and its duration. There are some conditions that will never completely resolve but can be helped and maintained with laser therapy. If your condition does not change immediately, It may take 3-4 sessions before a dramatic or marked change is perceived.
How diode colors heal differently:
Lasers are now being made in virtually every color of the rainbow. Cold-laser therapy systems are available in several different wavelengths (colors). They range starting from Green (532 nm) to
Red (650 nm) to near Infra-Red (750 to 950 nm) (Class-111)
What color is best?
A lot depends on what you are trying to heal.
Each color reacts differently with the body.
Green laser light, for example, is very quickly adsorbed by the skin and blood and can be used only to help heal surface wounds such as bed-sores or diabetic ulcers. -
Red Class II - III lasers can penetrate more deeply, but are still generally used for surface conditions such as burns, acne, and hair restoration.
IR (Infra-Red) Class III lasers penetrate much deeper and are used to help heal muscle, ligament, and even bone. (We use the IR class III -B Cold Laser).
What Are the precautions?
Cold-laser therapy treatments should always be conducted with proper safety glasses worn by both the patient and the practitioner.
Areas to avoid:
• No treatment over suspect tumors or cancer cells
• No treatment over the thyroid
• No treatment over the fontanelle of infants
• No treatment if the patient is using photo-sensitive or immunosuppressant drugs.